


AIGNEP SPA, with registered office in (25070) Bione (BS), Via Don G. Bazzoli, n. 34, registered  into the “Registro delle Imprese” commercial registry of Brescia R.E.A. n. BS – 210976, C.F. 0080888173 and VAT IT00579210980, represented by the legal representative pro tempore Mr. Graziano Bugatti (hereafter referred to as Aignep), in his capacity of owner (hereafter referred to as the Owner), informs that, according to art. 13 if the EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of personal data of individuals, as well as the free flow of the data (thereafter referred to as GDPR) that Personal Data are processed as follow.


1. Object of the treatment

1.1      The Owner processes the personal data and identification (name, surname, address, phone n., email address) (thereafter referred to as Personal Data), when communicated during visits to facilities, when communicated on the website, when announced on contract stipulations and/or contracts of professional nature.


2.Purpose of the treatmen

2.1       The processing of personal data has the purpose of controlling the access to the company’s facilities and services

-        to carry out access control activities at its premises;

-        to send answers to requests formulated through the website;

-        to fulfill contractual obligations;

-        to supply information following professional contacts;

-        to comply with regulatory, accounting and tax obligations.

2.2      The conferment of Personal Data is necessary in order to perform the activities described in the article 2.1. Therefore the refusal to provide Personal Data may cause the Owner to disallow the access to his facilities.


3.Processing Procedure

3.1       Personal Data means whatever operation or set of operation, fulfilled with or without the help of automatic processes, according to art 4, n. 2) GDPR, i.e., the registration, the organization, the conservation, the consultation, the processing, the modification, the selection, the extraction, the comparison, the interruption, the use, the interconnection, the communication, the cancellation and the destroying. The Personal Data undergo hardcopy process.

3.2       The Owner will process the Personal Data to fulfill the purposes set out in the previous article 2 of the notice, indefinitely, recognizing, at any time, each interested party to exercise the rights, as per article 6 of the following information, including the right to cancel data. In case of request for cancellation, Personal Data will be deleted or made anonymous.


4.Access to Data

4.1       Personal Data are available to employees and collaborators of the Owner, in their capacity of internal appointee and/or responsible of the process and/or system administrator.


5.Data Communication

5.1      Without the necessity of an express consent according to article 6, let c) and c) GDPR), the Owner can communicate Personal Data to those individual whom, according to the law, mandatorily require the communication (i.e. Judicial Authority). Those individual will process the Personal Data in their capacity of autonomous owners of the treatment.  Outside of the above mentioned obligation, Personal Data will not be communicated to third individuals distinct from the Owner or the individuals which have the access available according to article 4 of the disclaimer.


6.Rights of the person concerned

6.1       Rights are granted to the person concerned, i.e.

a)          Right to obtain the confirmation of the existence of Personal Data which concerns himself, even in case not yet registered, and their communication in intelligible form;

b)        The right to obtain the indication of the origin of the Personal Data, of the purpose and modality of the treatment, of the logic applied in case of process occurred with the help of electronic instruments, of the identifications details of the Owner, of the responsible of the process and the representative appointed according to article 3, comma 2, GDPR, of the categories of individual whom the Personal Data can be communicated to or categories who can receive communications in quality of State representative, responsible or appointed; 

c)         The right of obtain 1) the update, the adjustment i.e. the integration of data (when required by the individual) 2) the cancellation, the transformation in anonymous form or the interdiction of the data in case of law violation, included those for whose the conservation related to the purpose for which they are collected (or afterwards drawn) is not mandatory 3) the certificate that the above operation number 1) and 2) (even for what concerns their content) have been communicated to those whom the data have been communicated or disclosed to, give the exception of the case the fulfillment results impossible or requires the use of tools which are excessive if compared to the right protected;

d)        The right of the individual to oppose, totally or partially , 1) for legitimate reason to the process of Personal Data which concerns himself, although inherent to the purpose of collection, 2) to the process of Personal Data which concerns himself to the purpose of providing advertisement material.

6.2       Where applicable, the person concerned has the right of oblivion, to the limitation, to the portability of the data as well as the claim to the Guarantor Authority.


7. Exercise of right modality

7.1      The person concerned will be able to exercise his rights by means of a communication to be sent via registered mail AIGNEP SPA, with registered office to (25070) Bione (BS), Via Don G. Bazzoli, n. 34 or via email to the email address


8.Owner responsible and appointee 

8.1       The Owner is AIGNEP SPA. The list of the responsible and the appointee is safeguarded to the registered office of the Owner